Jesus is King

Building on our 2023 series, “The Ecosystem of God’s Kingdom,” this series is on the implications of Jesus being king. Within the series, in between other speakers, Alice will be bringing a monthly talk on the Sermon on the Mount.


Jesus is King - Sermon on the Mount Finale - The Kingdom of Heaven is the Father's Kingdom Alice Bond
Jesus is the King - Sermon on the Mount 10 - Two Ways to be Human Alice Bond
Jesus is King - Sermon on the Mount 9 - Perseverance in Prayer Alice Bond
Jesus is King - Sermon on the Mount 8 - From Judgementalism to Discernment Alice Bond
Jesus is King - Sermon on the Mount 7 - Generosity over Stinginess Alice Bond
Jesus is King - Sermon on the Mount 6 - Relational Connection over Performative Religion Alice Bond
Jesus is King - Sermon on the Mount 5 - Three Steps to Enemy Love Alice Bond
Jesus is King Paul Brind
Jesus is King: Who is your Father? – Matthew 6.19-24 Chris Bond
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted Joseph Davies
Jesus is King: Sermon on the Mount pt4 - Imagination Produces Adultery Alice Bond
Jesus is King: Holy Non Compliance Charlie Carron
Jesus is King: Sermon on the Mount - 3 Alice Bond
Jesus is King: Sermon on the Mount 2 - Salt and Light Alice Bond
Jesus is King: The Sermon on the Mount - 1b Alice Bond
Jesus is King: The Kingdom of Heaven Within Paul Golf
Jesus is King: Sermon on the Mount - 1a Alice Bond